You need to not only know you’re free, but to help others live free.


The founders of LARK have authored a disillusionary guide to the radical freedom we’re all longing for.

One of the most elusive messages in the world is that we’re all already free in Jesus. So we wind up living on our way to freedom, like freedom is a reward for really serious people.

Instead of packaging Christianity in the trappings of religion (you can be free IF…), Russ & Tony help us reimagine life in the finished work of Jesus as freedom.

With an undiluted look at the Scriptures, they debunk common misconceptions of what Jesus really said, and reframe what we mean when we say “grace,” “faith,” “church,” “discipleship,” and more.

When you get a hold on the message of this book, you’ll not only have the framework you need to live free—but to help others live free.


“Reclaim changed my mindset from a place of fear and worry about what I was doing to the freedom found in getting lost in what Jesus is doing.”

Sarah Mezzera (tattoo artist and mom)


How It Works:

Knowing the various ways humans learn, we have created a 3-phase journey to help you explore 9 timeless truths:




Grab a copy of the book. It’s short and to the point. This is where we really unpack the goods!



The additional insights from the authors on each chapter found at the end of this page.



Use the questions at the end of each chapter to help you engage in needed conversations.


“Before Reclaim…having the freedom to be the Church through friendships and shared meals was a mystery.”

-The Mercer’s / Atlanta, GA


Want To Hear More?

Grab a drink, kick up your feet, and dive into a story about the impact Reclaim had on Travis and Jyll’s life.


Explore Further…

Insights into each chapter with the authors of Reclaim. Just be sure you read the chapter first to get the bang for your buck.