Giving Faith Its Freedom Back: The Heart of Lark
What if faith isn’t a…
Never-ending project to become someone God is waiting on—or to prove you're grateful enough for what He’s done?
What if it’s not about joining a “church” set apart from the world, but embracing your place in it—right where Jesus has always been?
These questions are hard to imagine in a world where the god of expectations has turned faith into something to master or validate. But when we look to Jesus, we see something entirely different. Instead of tying faith to participation in a system, He spent His time telling stories of scandalous grace, asking questions, and sharing meals with anyone willing to sit down. He created space for real life, where people could practice faith instead of perform it. That’s why they called Him a friend of sinners (Matt 11:19).
It’s here that we find the essence of the Church Jesus started: ordinary people offering relief in ordinary moments. No membership models. No metrics. No labels. Just an unplanned life of faith—raw, honest, and hilariously good—shared with the people around us.
Knowing how humans truly learn, Jesus didn’t offer services or tell us to start organizations. He said, “As you are going, disciple others” in the Good News of a God who’s already united Himself to us (Matt 28:19-20). The early Church understood this. They lived as friends who passed on relief, gathering in homes to encourage one another—not as a programmed movement, but as a natural response to grace.
Stepping into this way of life might look like rebellion against what’s been labeled church today. But it’s not rebellion—it’s a return to what Jesus did and invited us into.
A Better Way Forward
Seeing this, our vision is simple: to empower a global movement of friends who live free and help others do the same. Why? Because discipleship doesn’t happen in a service. It happens across kitchen tables, on long walks, and in everyday conversations that bring relief and rest to weary hearts.
To that end, we publish free resources, offer friendship, and host conversations to help people step into the freedom faith was always meant to bring.
And we’re just getting started. Our next goal is to equip Lark leaders in every region with the time to be present and the resources to travel where they’re needed.
If this resonates with you, join us in imagining a world where discipleship isn’t tied to the versions of church most people have no interest in—but to friendship. That’s how faith gets its freedom back.
To get started, dive into our 3-part video series on the website. And as always, reach out if you have any questions. We'll make the time.