The religion Jesus buried must stay buried.

Reflection Questions: 

• As humans, we resort to motive-correcting and behavior-adjusting as a means of obtaining and/or maintaining salvation. How did the Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector challenge this bent toward performance and resume building in you?

• Regarding Luke 14:25-27, how did Reclaim 3 challenge your previous views regarding becoming or being a disciple? What was your previous understanding of phrases like "take up your cross"?

• After reading Reclaim 3, how would you describe the role of faith in becoming a disciple?

• Can you describe your previous understanding of grace and how it related to becoming and being a disciple? Did you experience any "aha" moments when considering the reality of grace in Reclaim 3?

Key Passages: 

• We need resurrection, not improvement [Eph. 2:1-7 + Rom. 7:24-25]

• Jesus is our “once for all” solution for sin In Him, we are already perfect. [Heb. 7:26-27 + Heb. 10:11-14]

• God saves on the basis of belief in Jesus, who came to save the world not condemn it [Jn. 3:16-18]

• Salvation is by grace alone, through faith, in Christ alone [Eph. 2:8-9]

• In the kingdom of God, religious resumes are not allowed [Lk. 18:9-14]

Got Questions? Let’s Connect!

For Further Insights:

Listen to Episode 17 of the Larkcast: Two Guys Walk Into A Temple

Read Faith Is Like Sitting Down on the Lark Blog

Watch Episode 91 of the Larkcast on YouTube: Reclaim: Trust