A timeless framework for what could be.

Reflection Questions: 

• In what ways did Reclaim 8 bring clarity or relief to you in regards to the gathered/scattered nature of the Church?

• As you consider your norms and networks, who do you love and long to reach right now?

• How does the principle of "meet people where they are" change the way you approach these relationships?

• When you look at the myriad of ways one could participate in Third Spaces, what are some things you contribute to a gathering and why?

Key Passages: 

• First Spaces: Going to others with love and Good News [Matt. 28:18-20]

• Second Spaces: Discipling those who are open to Jesus (i.e. Zacchaeus) [Lk. 19:1-10]

• Go in dependence, not trusting in your own resources [Lk. 10:1-3]

• Third Spaces: Encouraging those who are following Jesus [Heb. 10:24-25]

• Third Spaces: A time for meals (communion) [1 Cor. 11:20-26] and a time for mutual participation [1 Cor. 14:26 + Heb. 10:24-25]. 

Got Questions? Let’s Connect!

For Further Insights:

Listen to Episode 19 of the Larkcast: The First Shall Hate Happy Hour

Read The Father’s Children on the Lark Blog

Watch Episode 97 of the Larkcast on YouTube: Reclaim: Spaces