Answer all your questions, but it will get your imagination going.

Below you will find a list of teachings that take you further.

The Parables…

According to Jesus, are designed to frustrate the perception we have of who God is, so we can actually see Him for who He is.

Check out episodes 3-37 on the Larkcast.

The Gospel of John…

Lives as the most unfiltered look at who Jesus is, and what faith actually means and looks like in this weird phenomenon we call: life.

Check out episodes 45-87 on the Larkcast.

The Pushbacks…

Are real when you start talking about a God who has already united Himself to the world through His Son. So here’s a deep dive into the common resistances to grace.

Check out episodes 101-110 on the Larkcast.

Galatians is…

The one book where we find not only the difference between faith and religion, but what it means to actually live free.

Check out episodes 112-135 on the Larkcast.


Is a book, and this is a journey into the common misconceptions we debunk in Reclaim about the “cross,” “grace,” “faith,” “church,” “discipleship,” and more.

Check out episodes 88-99 on the Larkcast.

What is deconstruction?

Seriously. It’s a popular topic of conversation. But where is it something healthy, and where is it leading to harm? Join us as we unpack our findings.

Check out Episodes 29-31 on the Larkcast.