200 Proof Grace. Straight. No Chaser.


Life is hectic, demanding, and doesn’t stop. When honest with ourselves, we must confess we often don’t know what the hell we’re doing.

The Larkcast is an ongoing conversation about the inclusive and mischievous nature of God’s presence through the lens of all the things that make up the phenomena we refer to as “life.”

Teaching series are listed below.

Episodes available on Apple, Spotify, Google and YouTube.


Jesus’ parables aim to frustrate you to freedom. Check out Episodes 3-37.

An unfiltered look at who Jesus said he was. Check out Episodes 45-87.

Reclaim Jesus’ message and the Church’s purpose. Check out Episodes 88-99.

A look at the common resistances to grace. Check out Episodes 101-110.

The Gospel is NOT religion according to Paul. Check out Episodes 112 to present.

What is deconstruction? Seriously? Check out Episodes 29-31.


“With a permagrin on my face, and tears in my eyes, I am experiencing the joy of the Good News for the first time.”

Sheri (Los Angeles, CA)