01 | Start Here

Grab a free copy of our newest eBook: Dare To Live Free—a guiding disillusioner for those who feel out of sorts. It’s fun, short, and to the point.

02 | Reclaim

Debunk common misconceptions of what Jesus really said, and reframe what you mean when you say “grace,” “faith,” “church,” “discipleship,” and more.

03 | What About Church?

What if the Church is NOT a religion or an institution? Without knowing how the Church began, how can you step into what it is? Reimagine another way.

04| What About Worship?

If God is already with us and Christ is always in us, then worship must not be the way we get close to God. What exactly is worship?

05 | What About Communion?

What if communion is a feast, a sign, and a declaration for everyone, not a call to “get right with God” or a place to demonstrate who’s in and who’s out?

06 | What About Sanctification?

Without an undiluted look at what Jesus said, we live in good faith to the wrong god full of fear. So what is spiritual growth according to Jesus?

07 | What About Leadership?

Suspiciously absent from the Bible is very much explicit talk about leadership. What if modern church leadership is more shaped by culture than by Scripture?